Green Taxis and Faxis

Vienna is one major city that values the environment. Proof of this is its use of green public transportation that aim to reduce the city's carbon footprint.  Apart from the bicycles for rent and the electric buses that transport people around the city, there are now green taxis and faxis that ply around the city. The green taxis went into full operation in 2011 and currently, there are more than 200 hybrid and gas vehicles are being operated by the company called 40100. 

Vienna is one major city that values the environment. Proof of this is its use of green public transportation that aim to reduce the city’s carbon footprint. 

Apart from the bicycles for rent and the electric buses that transport people around the city, there are now green taxis and faxis that ply around the city. The green taxis went into full operation in 2011 and currently, there are more than 200 hybrid and gas vehicles are being operated by the company called 40100. 

To call for such a taxi, a customer only needs to dial the number 40100. The fare being charged is the same as any regular taxi but this one has a distinctive green color. 

These eco-friendly taxis benefit the environment by reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 20 percent and less toxic emissions by 90 percent. Interestingly, the taxi company’s owner was able to save some 70,000 Euros for a period of two years in operating the green cabs. 

In addition to these green taxis, Vienna has another alternative called the Faxis. These are three-wheeled rickshaws that can accommodate two passengers. The name faxi was derived from the words Fahrad and Taxi or bicycle and taxi. The rickshaw is powered by the driver’s leg muscles although an electric motor can also be used. Customers interested in riding these faxis can simply preorder (ideal for those who want to make a city tour) or they can simply flag down on the street. 

Finally, tourists who want to do some leg workout can use the city bikes. Currently, there are 1,200 citybikes in the city and they can be taken out round the clock. Some 90 stations are in place where these bikes are available. 
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