Russian Art Exhibit in Vienna

Local residents and visitors in Vienna have a chance to get to know Russian art on a deeper level until September. This is because an exhibition is now going on at the Belvedere Palace featuring art works of Russia.  

Entitled Silver Age: Russian Art in Vienna around 1900, the exhibition also explores the cultural ties between Austria and Russia that dates back to the early 20th century. The title Silver Age refers to the cultural heyday in Russian literature and the fine arts after 1900. It is said to be the equivalent of Art Noveau or Jugendstil in German language. This particular period contributed greatly to Russian art as it was during that time when Russians focused on their own roots and traditions after nearly 200 years of following the West. 

The very first exposure of Russian art in Vienna was in 1901 organized by the Vienna Secession. Only a small part of the exhibit, though, featured Russian art. 

The second exhibition in 1908 was more focused on nmodern Russian and showcased the works of established artists. Three paintings were sold to the Belvedere (Moderne Galerie) during the second exhibit and that included an important portrait of the Polenov family courtesy of Boris Kustodiev. 

More Russian artworks were showcased in Vienna throughout the late 19th and early 20th century. It was during this time when various fields of arts flourished in Austria. 

The Silver Age exhibition will run until September 28. 

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